Election Facts.

When it comes to conducting impartial, fair, secure and transparent elections, the ECQ is the expert authority that Queenslanders trust.

We take electoral integrity extremely seriously.

No one understands electoral processes and our electoral system like we do, and that’s why we will actively correct misinformation and disinformation when we see it.

What is disinformation and misinformation?

  • Disinformation is false information which is deliberately intended to mislead.
  • Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally.

We will always call out and correct disinformation and misinformation when we see or hear it.

Stop and consider

Stop and consider before you share something you read or see online.

You can do this by considering the below questions:

  • Who is behind the information? Has it come from a reputable person or organisation?
  • Is it authorised information? If it’s a message that seeks to influence the way people vote, it must include an authorisation statement, including a person’s name and street address. It is an offence in Queensland to mislead electors about the process of voting or about a candidate’s character.
  • Is it sponsored advertising? Check who is paying for the advertising. You can check this on social media by clicking on the ellipsis (…) on a post. Advertising will also be marked as ‘sponsored’ or ‘paid for by…’
  • When was it published? If it’s not current, it might not have all the latest facts.
  • Always check the original source and the date it was published.
  • Who is spreading the information? Check whether it has been posted by a human or a ‘bot’.
  • You can do this by looking at the profile of the account posting the information to see if it is legitimate. Look at the account’s posting history and number of followers to help you determine the account’s legitimacy.

The ECQ has established an election facts register to correct electoral misinformation and disinformation. It includes common topics and those that are brought to our attention.

Under the Electoral Act 1992, the ECQ is not responsible for regulating truth in political communication and advertising. It’s the job of Queenslanders to assess the truth of statements that are made by political parties and candidates before they cast their vote at an election.

When it comes to electoral processes, the ECQ is the expert. We will always provide factual, open information, and we will always actively defend Australia’s democracy.

Our website is your source of electoral facts. If you’re not sure about something you’ve heard or read, make sure you check it and verify it is correct before you share it.

Find out more about voting and elections in Queensland

We are Queensland’s electoral experts

We are independent.The ECQ is an independent statutory authority responsible for the impartial delivery of state, local government and industrial elections and the regulation of compliance with funding and disclosure laws.
We are politically neutral.The ECQ is independent and impartial. Our staff, including our election field staff, are politically neutral.
We are trusted.The ECQ is the foremost authority on Queensland’s electoral system with a reputation for integrity. Our staff are skilled, professional subject matter experts when it comes to elections in Queensland.
We are transparent.The ECQ adheres to the highest levels of integrity and transparency when it comes to conducting elections. The security and integrity of electoral processes is something we take extremely seriously.
We deal in the facts.The ECQ will proactively defend the electoral process and our democracy. This includes actively correcting misinformation or disinformation when we see it.
We are respected.The ECQ is Queensland’s trusted provider of fair and secure elections. Queenslanders respect our independence and integrity and trust our role as an independent ‘umpire’.

Election Facts Register

Common misinformation

All electors can vote early at these elections if they choose.

Early voting is available from 4-15 March in most localities in Queensland. Electors should check the ECQ website for early voting locations, dates and times for their local area.

Category: Voting

The Local Government Electoral Act 2011 does not allow for voting machines to be used.

Category: Political Neutrality

Postal vote application mailouts are not illegal but the most direct and secure way to apply for a postal vote is via the ECQ website, rather than through a third-party letterbox drop.

If you apply directly to the ECQ it ensures that we receive the application immediately, and that you will receive your voting materials on time. You can apply here: https://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/postalvote

Category: Postal Voting

It’s compulsory to vote in Queensland elections for all Australian citizens aged 18 years and over, and this is regardless of whether you are a tenant or property owner.

Category: Voting

The timing for a State by-election is determined by the government. The ECQ must wait for the details to become known via the issue of a writ by the Governor or the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament, as stipulated by the Electoral Act 1992. The issue of the writ will trigger the ECQ’s commencement of work on the delivery of an election.

The ECQ maintains an ongoing state of readiness to deliver efficient and effective electoral events in Queensland, when required.

Learn more by viewing our Writ Management Procedure.

Category: Elections

All enrolled Queenslanders can access voting services during the elections. You do not need to be vaccinated to vote in person.

Category: COVID-19

While it’s not mandatory to be vaccinated to work for us at the elections, we’ll still ask you to let us know your vaccination status as part of our expression of interest process. This is so we can manage our staffing in specific communities and venues like declared institution (aged care facilities) where there might be conditions of entry in place. This helps us to ensure we are protecting the health and safety of residents.

Category: COVID-19

The ECQ does not require scrutineers to be vaccinated.

Category: COVID-19

Pencil marks on ballot papers are never erased.

Ballot papers are stored in sealed ballot boxes, with security seal numbers that are recorded and checked in the presence of scrutineers at the start of counting on election night. Ballot papers are sorted and counted under the observation of scrutineers.

Category: Voting

ECQ’s election officials observe the highest standards of integrity in the conduct of elections. Political neutrality is a requirement for employment with the ECQ and employees must adhere to the ECQ’s Political Neutrality Policy.

Category: Political Neutrality

The ECQ offers pencils at polling places because they don’t run out of ink and last much longer.

All Queensland electors are welcome to bring a pen with them to vote, if they prefer.

Category: Counting

A range of security measures are in place for postal voting.

Extensive integrity checks are in place to ensure that any attempted postal vote fraud is detected and dealt with immediately.

Category: Postal Voting

Voter details are separated from postal voting envelopes before they are opened so they cannot be associated with completed ballot papers.

Category: Postal Voting

The ECQ and its entire workforce are politically neutral.

The ECQ is independent and impartial and is not subject to direction by any Queensland Government Minister.

Category: Political Neutrality

All enrolled Queenslanders can vote during the elections, whether they bring their Voter Information Card with them or not.

The Voter Information Card includes a barcode on the front which helps you get in and out of the polling booth quicker on election day.

Category: Voting